12 April, 2012


so, it's been a month to the day since i last said somethin.  and trust me, i have plenty to say.  as of my last entry, i lost my job, gained a very handsome prospect for a relationship and finally got my crate full of things from my old life.  so i've jus been kinda chillin.  on a sabbatical of sorts.  i could complain about how much it sucks bein out of work, but i'm not.  i could rave on and on about my new beau, but i'm not gonna do that either.  i could even complain about tryin to decompress from sortin through all the boxes and bags in my crate.  but y'all don't wanna hear any of that, right?

so as i've been sittin here for the past month, i've been doin some introspection and jus takin stock of myself, as a person.  i've rediscovered that i have an amazingly supportive and understandin woman for my mother.  i've learned that my sixteen year old "baby" sister is funny and smart and interestin at times, as well as a typical moody teenager.  my family is warm and open, old friends are pretty much the same as they were when i left home.  and while some of the landscape is different, it's still home, sweet, home.

i'm not worried about workin.  i know that i'm employable and when the right job opens up for me, i'll get it.  i haven't exactly been slouchin around all day, eatin bon bons and watchin reruns on tv.  i have been to the grindstone but with the local government here seemingly on the very verge of collapse, there's been a hirin freeze within most of the departments.  but, there's always the hotels.  or restaurants.  or jewelry stores.  or any of the other tourist-oriented venues here set up to make money.

i'll find somethin.  or like last time i looked, somethin will find me.  isn't that usually what happens when you're not lookin?  somethin totally unexpected or unassumin or wonderful jus kinda falls into your lap?  sounds like my new beau . . .

but y'all don't wanna hear about that, right?

Spic & Span

i'm an emotional cleaner. whenever things feel like they're fallin apart at the seems, or if there is somethin or someone i can...