13 August, 2011

This Should Be Interestin . . .

well, i have to say that after last night, things are lookin up. i have been debatin the validity of joinin another online datin site/service. i decided to give one a try. i did the whole profile thing but didn't sign up (read pay) jus for S&G (sh*ts & giggles). that was last sunday. since then, my unofficial profile has received 311 views and 15 emails (at time of this post). i must say, i'm a little flattered.  of course havin pics posted did kinda help; men are such visual creatures. so this mornin i decided to take that final step and give these people some money. i will admit my curiosity was eatin at me; all i really was interested in was bein able to actually read those emails. but it was most insightful. and gave me warm fuzzies. not a bad way to start your day really. it's always nice to hear lovely things about yourself. :o)

so, i'm officially a member of an online datin site. this should be very interesting. i have to get ready for a movie with my bestie, then off to a baby shower later today. i also have a meetin later today that i had to reschedule so i probably won't be able to respond to any of those 15 messages until later this evenin. but that does give me somethin to look forward to. especially since the possibility of meetin any single guys at a baby shower are practically nonexistent . . .

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Spic & Span

i'm an emotional cleaner. whenever things feel like they're fallin apart at the seems, or if there is somethin or someone i can...