14 January, 2016

Third Times a Charm . . .

I've heard it said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  If that's the case, guess I have a golden brick road.  But that's a tale for another time.  Here I am again, at the beginning of another brand new year, intendin to keep up with this blogger thing.  

Pray for me y'all . . .

So, a year in review ~

January: Had a HUGE breakup/fallout with a friend
February: Dealin with said issue 
March: Interviewed for another job
April: Started new job at the end of April
May: Settlin in at the new gig
June: Becomin move involved at my home church
July: Moved into my own apartment
August: Tried to plan 2 baby showers
September : My god-son George is born; Kinda started datin someone
October: Passed my probation at work
November: Preppin for the holidays
December: Holidays spent with the fam at my new crib

Like how I snuck in that whole datin thing, huh?

Oh, I forgot to mention that my computer died and I spent the rest of the year without one. I was finally able to get one on a trip to Chicago, but we can talk about that later.  

So, here we are again.  I pledge to do better with this, I promise.  I even have some handy dandy notes and tips for successful completion of my goal to be a better blogger.  Not for the fortune or fame of it, but jus for the simple peace of mind and to be the voice of someone who may not be brave enough to share how they really feel.  I hope I can do that.  Like I said earlier, Pray for me . . .

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Spic & Span

i'm an emotional cleaner. whenever things feel like they're fallin apart at the seems, or if there is somethin or someone i can...