04 January, 2012

Daydreamin . . .

and the sky is pearly grey.  it's should be foggy, it should be windy but this here is paradise and the grey won't last forever. 

the sun will come out, maybe tomorrow.  maybe in an hour.  or by the time i get done here.  who's to say?  i have no control over the weather and even less control of how or where my thoughts will take me. 

so i sit, i watch the clouds rollin over the hills, over the waters in the bay, out to the open water. no rhyme or reason to where it came from or where it's goin.  kind of like my train of thoughts today. 

but that's fine.  because this here is pardise.  and the grey won't last forever.

but who's to say?


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Spic & Span

i'm an emotional cleaner. whenever things feel like they're fallin apart at the seems, or if there is somethin or someone i can...