07 January, 2012

Quality Time

yesterday, i had planned to do some writin.  with all the free time i now have, i figured hey, why not? so i was sittin here, fiddlin on the computer (read tweetin and vistin albums on facebook) and as soon as i was about to get to work, my baby sister comes out of her room.

"wanna go with me today?"  i look around to be sure that A: i hadn't dozed off and B: that there was no one else in the room
"um, where are we going?"
"to sing."

if anyone knows me, they know i love to sing.  the most shockin thing about this whole situation was the invitation.  see, my sister is still in high school.  and while my yearly visits have always been a pleasure, i think she's still gettin used to the idea that i'm not leavin this time.  she is still processin the fact that i won't be packin up my bags to head off to the airport come sunrise.  so i took her up on her invitation to go sing.

we spent most of the day drivin from house to house.  turns out, the singin i was invited to do was to go carolin.  to go singin with my sister and our church's youth group to some of the elderly that used to attend our church.  and while you may be thinkin, "but CHRISTmas is loooong gone already, this here is paradise and yesterday happened to be a local holiday.  tradition dictates that for twelve days after CHRISTmas, families still exhange gifts, which represents the trip of the Magi to visit the baby Jesus.  the twelfth day after CHRISTmas is called "Three Kings Day" for that reason.  so i got to see more of my island home than i have seen in a very long time, i got to sing CHRISTmas carols all day and i got to spend time with my not so baby sister.  and it was all her idea.  how nice was that?

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Spic & Span

i'm an emotional cleaner. whenever things feel like they're fallin apart at the seems, or if there is somethin or someone i can...