19 August, 2011

The Naturalista

got me an afro. yes, i said afro. i didn't have to chop off all of my hair to get it either because i had been transitionin from chemicals for about 2 years. an awesome coworker of mine did my preliminary cut so i could get used to it, then my sister, the diva, snipped off the rest. that was at the end of july last year.  since then, i have been rockin braids, twists, puffs and today, i have a full-on fro. and it's FIERCE!  i am lovin my healthy natural hair in all it's bushy glory, lol.  but i digress,

i bring up the current state of my hair because of a trend i'm noticin. while i did get compliments and glances when i had a perm, it seems like now, not only do i receive more than before, i am also bein approached and blatantly flirted with.  by ALL kinds of guys.  this is most interestin . . .

now i've seen men of other races checkin me out before, but it has rarely been more than a casual passin glance. i mean, c'mon. i know guys look. they're guys. they are visual  creatures and a pretty woman is a pretty woman. but the other day on the way into work, a handsome young man caught my eye and kept it. he was smilin, lowerin his eyes and battin his lashes, and as we approached his stop, he moved from his seat to the nearest empty one across from me. mr. green shirt gave a a huge smile and small wave, then as he stood to leave said my hair was beautiful.  


i must admit that i'm very flattered by all this "extra" attention.  one of my other friends said, "when a woman is natural, there is an added confidence to her. she seems more approachable, less high-maintenance.  she has more swag in her step."  well, i wish i have realized this before.  there is somethin empowerin to bein yourself.  you gain even more power by acceptin and  LOVIN yourself as well.  with my 'fro out or my cornrows or twist or puffs, i am still woman.  i am all woman. 

hear me roar . . .

16 August, 2011

Impatiently Waitin

you would think that by now i understand the way this game is played.

*boy meets girl*
*boy likes girl*
*boy chases girl*
*girl give boy a chance*
*boy fu*ks up everythin*

now here is where i get lost. see, it seems to me there is somethin wrong with this last sequence of events. you would think that after all the hard work said boy has done for said girl, he would value his jus reward.

*shakes head sadly*

so how do we fix this? i'd like to believe that i have the answer to this dilemma, but i don't. i never understand why it seems like jus as things are goin well, and said boy is finally doin all the things he promised, that things go sour fast. all those things you discussed, all the things you appeared to have in common, all of a sudden no longer apply. seriously? who are you and what happened to that guy who was callin jus to say hi?  where's the dude that couldn't wait until you got off from work so he could "stop by"? you know, the one that might jus be in the neighborhood right at your lunch break? where is he at?


so here i am, back at square one. that place where hurry up already intersects with slow the hell down. i'm lookin at the prospects on the online site, but at this stage of the game i feel like i should be tryin to decide if we should have another addition to our family, not whether or not i wanna go on any blind dates. so, what's a girl to do?  . . .

15 August, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

i survived the weekend. although it was rainin cats, dogs, and various four-legged animals on saturday, my weekend went rather well.  the movie was cool; bestie and i walked across the street to catch "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" as a matinee.  $5 movies are one of the best kept secrets.  this is how i'd like to see most of my movies; less people, less noise; less trash. but as far as for dates and such, unless that date happens to be relationship material, who's really gonna get up that early for a movie, even if it is only $5?  not many people (read guys) as i've discovered. so after the movie, we did some shoe browsin in the mall since the sky was fallin by the bucketfuls. by the time we got back home, i'd lost  my sunglasses (which i'd jus been wearin outside), had worn off my popcorn and was late tryin to get to my friend's baby shower. 

*exasperated sigh* 

since i don't have a car, i rely heavily on public transportation. that bein said, the p-trans here SUCKS on the weekends. this is because they decide to do most of their construction/renovations/repairs on the weekends so you have to add all this extra time to your travels. had i known this, i would've jus stayed home after the movie, or would've called up Mr. Happy Hour sooner.
so anyway, i got to the area of the baby shower right as it was endin, then spent another hour on the way to a business meetin. this proved to be the most productive part of my day, but we'll have to talk about that later.  after said productive meetin and yet another wasted hour on p-trans, i finally got back to my neck of the woods and Mr. Happy Hour. and even though the hour was long past, he was still happy for us to have caught up to each other finally.  we had a few drinks, reminisced about back in the days at high school and in the islands in general, discussed hip-hop music and then it was time for me to hit the hay.  he'd been home nappin while i was tryin to navigate the trenches with all the other poor saps who thought they would could save time and money by takin the train. suckers (present company included) . . .

13 August, 2011

This Should Be Interestin . . .

well, i have to say that after last night, things are lookin up. i have been debatin the validity of joinin another online datin site/service. i decided to give one a try. i did the whole profile thing but didn't sign up (read pay) jus for S&G (sh*ts & giggles). that was last sunday. since then, my unofficial profile has received 311 views and 15 emails (at time of this post). i must say, i'm a little flattered.  of course havin pics posted did kinda help; men are such visual creatures. so this mornin i decided to take that final step and give these people some money. i will admit my curiosity was eatin at me; all i really was interested in was bein able to actually read those emails. but it was most insightful. and gave me warm fuzzies. not a bad way to start your day really. it's always nice to hear lovely things about yourself. :o)

so, i'm officially a member of an online datin site. this should be very interesting. i have to get ready for a movie with my bestie, then off to a baby shower later today. i also have a meetin later today that i had to reschedule so i probably won't be able to respond to any of those 15 messages until later this evenin. but that does give me somethin to look forward to. especially since the possibility of meetin any single guys at a baby shower are practically nonexistent . . .

12 August, 2011

Catching Up

so this promises to be a very busy weekend.  i was supposed to meet with an old friend from high school for happy hour. but once again, we jus can't seem to get together. i'm beginning to wonder if i should take that as some sort of sign.  there's somethin to be said about jus havin bad timin. i mean, this dude sent me an IM early today to tell me he was takin me to happy hour.  then as soon as i leave the office, my trains are havin all kinda time issues. i finally arrive at my destination at the time he was supposed to be pickin me up. i texted him to say i was runnin late, only for him to relay that he had a project to finish up at the last minute. rain-check again? why can't we seem to jus connect? 

*tappin chin thoughtfully*

so instead of havin a drink and makin small talk while  people (read guy) watchin, i'm chillin in bed with my computer and the rest of my lunch. he said it may take him an hour to get finished.  well, that was about, oh an hour ago. the weekend's linin up real great . . .

*wistful sigh*

10 August, 2011

Spin the Wheel

a friend of mine suggested one day, "you should start a blog." hmmm. what in the world am i gonna blog about? and just what is bloggin anyway? as if i don't have enough to do, now here i am, bloggin. well, she'll be pleased to know that i took her advice. even though we were discussin the "wonders" of public transportation at the time, her idea stuck with me. now to decide what to blog about.


so, i thought about all the things her and i talk about. most of the time, we're complainin about our mornin/evenin commute. other times, it's the j~o~b. the other 45% of our convos would have to be about guys. then my gears really started turnin.

*dreamy sigh*

oh, the opposite sex. needless to say, there should be no shortage of anecdotes for your readin pleasure. there's a reason for the name of my new online diary (read blog). i have had some pretty interestin encounters. carrie and bridget would be proud. however, and in spite of my bein me, i'm STILL single. so like, WTD?  but i still have hope. i could've called this thing, "The Cynical Romantic". but i'm not a cynic. yet . . .


"so, allow me to introduce myself. i'll get right on that as soon as i find myself. since we are in a constant state of growth and renewal, the me that i was yesterday, no longer exist.  i'll let you think about that for a moment or two."

now that i've got your juices goin, what's really good? this is gonna be kinda like an online journal. an avenue for expressin my thoughts on daily events and observations. i hope in the course of my travels that i don't offend or upset anyone. PLEASE do not take anythin you may read here personally. it's my opinion and i'm entitled to it. just like you.  i welcome all readers, questions and comments.  i'm a people person so don't be shy; speak up! as soon as i think of somethin else that i wanna say, i'll be back. so TTFN . . .

Spic & Span

i'm an emotional cleaner. whenever things feel like they're fallin apart at the seems, or if there is somethin or someone i can...