19 August, 2011

The Naturalista

got me an afro. yes, i said afro. i didn't have to chop off all of my hair to get it either because i had been transitionin from chemicals for about 2 years. an awesome coworker of mine did my preliminary cut so i could get used to it, then my sister, the diva, snipped off the rest. that was at the end of july last year.  since then, i have been rockin braids, twists, puffs and today, i have a full-on fro. and it's FIERCE!  i am lovin my healthy natural hair in all it's bushy glory, lol.  but i digress,

i bring up the current state of my hair because of a trend i'm noticin. while i did get compliments and glances when i had a perm, it seems like now, not only do i receive more than before, i am also bein approached and blatantly flirted with.  by ALL kinds of guys.  this is most interestin . . .

now i've seen men of other races checkin me out before, but it has rarely been more than a casual passin glance. i mean, c'mon. i know guys look. they're guys. they are visual  creatures and a pretty woman is a pretty woman. but the other day on the way into work, a handsome young man caught my eye and kept it. he was smilin, lowerin his eyes and battin his lashes, and as we approached his stop, he moved from his seat to the nearest empty one across from me. mr. green shirt gave a a huge smile and small wave, then as he stood to leave said my hair was beautiful.  


i must admit that i'm very flattered by all this "extra" attention.  one of my other friends said, "when a woman is natural, there is an added confidence to her. she seems more approachable, less high-maintenance.  she has more swag in her step."  well, i wish i have realized this before.  there is somethin empowerin to bein yourself.  you gain even more power by acceptin and  LOVIN yourself as well.  with my 'fro out or my cornrows or twist or puffs, i am still woman.  i am all woman. 

hear me roar . . .

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Spic & Span

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