15 August, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

i survived the weekend. although it was rainin cats, dogs, and various four-legged animals on saturday, my weekend went rather well.  the movie was cool; bestie and i walked across the street to catch "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" as a matinee.  $5 movies are one of the best kept secrets.  this is how i'd like to see most of my movies; less people, less noise; less trash. but as far as for dates and such, unless that date happens to be relationship material, who's really gonna get up that early for a movie, even if it is only $5?  not many people (read guys) as i've discovered. so after the movie, we did some shoe browsin in the mall since the sky was fallin by the bucketfuls. by the time we got back home, i'd lost  my sunglasses (which i'd jus been wearin outside), had worn off my popcorn and was late tryin to get to my friend's baby shower. 

*exasperated sigh* 

since i don't have a car, i rely heavily on public transportation. that bein said, the p-trans here SUCKS on the weekends. this is because they decide to do most of their construction/renovations/repairs on the weekends so you have to add all this extra time to your travels. had i known this, i would've jus stayed home after the movie, or would've called up Mr. Happy Hour sooner.
so anyway, i got to the area of the baby shower right as it was endin, then spent another hour on the way to a business meetin. this proved to be the most productive part of my day, but we'll have to talk about that later.  after said productive meetin and yet another wasted hour on p-trans, i finally got back to my neck of the woods and Mr. Happy Hour. and even though the hour was long past, he was still happy for us to have caught up to each other finally.  we had a few drinks, reminisced about back in the days at high school and in the islands in general, discussed hip-hop music and then it was time for me to hit the hay.  he'd been home nappin while i was tryin to navigate the trenches with all the other poor saps who thought they would could save time and money by takin the train. suckers (present company included) . . .

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Spic & Span

i'm an emotional cleaner. whenever things feel like they're fallin apart at the seems, or if there is somethin or someone i can...