10 August, 2011

Spin the Wheel

a friend of mine suggested one day, "you should start a blog." hmmm. what in the world am i gonna blog about? and just what is bloggin anyway? as if i don't have enough to do, now here i am, bloggin. well, she'll be pleased to know that i took her advice. even though we were discussin the "wonders" of public transportation at the time, her idea stuck with me. now to decide what to blog about.


so, i thought about all the things her and i talk about. most of the time, we're complainin about our mornin/evenin commute. other times, it's the j~o~b. the other 45% of our convos would have to be about guys. then my gears really started turnin.

*dreamy sigh*

oh, the opposite sex. needless to say, there should be no shortage of anecdotes for your readin pleasure. there's a reason for the name of my new online diary (read blog). i have had some pretty interestin encounters. carrie and bridget would be proud. however, and in spite of my bein me, i'm STILL single. so like, WTD?  but i still have hope. i could've called this thing, "The Cynical Romantic". but i'm not a cynic. yet . . .

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Spic & Span

i'm an emotional cleaner. whenever things feel like they're fallin apart at the seems, or if there is somethin or someone i can...